I stand for all women.

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Gedicht

I stand for all women.

For the ones that have so many cultures running through their body,
that you had to make your own home.

For the women who always look strong and they forget
that you have a heart that can break too.

For the women who felt inadequate, who have been neglected,
assaulted and thrown away like garbage

For the women who had to fight for their place in the world.

For the moms who raise their babies alone.

For the women who were shushed and kept small.

For the woman whose passion is seen as anger.
Baby, you know when I’m angry.

I stand for those who laugh there ass of loud and unapologetically.

For those who are learning to love themselves, unconditionally.

We are here.
We are here to stay.
We bring love.
We bring light.

So let us breathe.
Let us laugh.
Let us love.

Respect us.
See us.Hear us.
Love us.
Let us be the love the world needs.

I stand for all women.
I stand for me!

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